Time to Pick up Your Association's Marketing and Advertising Efforts

As the current Not-For-Profit environment moves towards an IT future it is important not to lose sight of your association's marketing and advertising. Associations are moving towards a complete CRM system to improve their website functionality while streamlining and automating day to day activities. While these actions are all positive, associations should not forget about marketing not only to their members but also to future members, sponsors and donors.
How to get new Users to your Website
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are your best bets in terms of generating new organic website traffic and turning future leads into members, sponsors or donors. Having your SEO done correctly and maximised will help build your Google rankings and you can reap the benefits of extra Google search traffic.
SEM, on the other hand, also done correctly will ensure users find your association's website when they type your industry or service into Google. SEM marketing is a paid marketing method that uses external marketing techniques to generate ads such as pay-per-click (PPC) and adwords. These methods are a great way to get targeted leads and you only pay for what people click on. The use of these ads has a positive impact as it also increases brand awareness, conversions and customer loyalty.
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Internal Marketing Communications
Your members are your prime assets and keeping them happy and informed can be hard to balance. You don't want to annoy them by sending too many emails and notifications and you don't want to under deliver by not informing them what is going on within your industry.
Luckily there is an easy solution, with the latest CRM technology allowing you to segment your groups. When users sign up and become members they are then able to select the specific interest groups (SIGs) that are of interest to them. The member is also able to change and update their preferences at any time. The SIGs then set up a perfect targeted marketing group which can then be sent direct newsletters and emails on the exact topics that interest them.
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