Get your Association to Rank Higher on Google by Using the Correct Website Content

For associations and Not-For-Profit organisations gaining leads and new members is vital for growth and sustainability, but how is anyone going to find your association if you're not ranking on Google?
Simply having a website with content you think is good is not enough; you need to rank higher on Google so more people will have the chance to click on your website. There are no secrets: find out how you can turn your website around today and bring in new members and businesses.
How to Improve your Content
Search engines crawl all the web pages to discover what the association or NFP is about, so they can advise their customers where to find the relevant information. Therefore, you must include enough text so that each individual keyword phrase doesn't appear to be the only thing on the page.
Approximately 250 – 300 words per page is ideal. If you don't have enough text, try to limit the number of keywords or phrases on your page. If you have too much text, try and break it into two pages with a link between them. If you have more than 1000 words on your page, definitely try to break it into two pages.
Search engines like to clarify that the text on your page is what you put in your titles, so don't try to have too many topics on one page.
What to Include
One important item is to try and include your keywords in the first and last sentences on your page, that way the search engine will understand. When writing your page of content, remember to keep it similar to writing an essay:
- A title
- An introduction
- A body
- A conclusion
This way, the search engines will know that the page is really about what you’ve called it in the title.
Original content is paramount. Search engines want to know what you have to offer on a particular subject. If you have something no other website offers you are more likely to be ranked higher for that subject. Also try and write like a computer, exact explanations without metaphors, sarcasm or euphemisms that the general person may misinterpret.
When writing your content you should try and use your exact keyword phrase (words must be in the same order) at least once on your page. However, best practice is to place your keyword phrase close to the beginning of your text (in the first 25 words) and also close to the end of your text page (last 25 words) as well as somewhere in the middle.