VETnetwork Joins the ME Family – Leaders in Technology Innovation and Membership Software Growth Strategies

Mike Whitehouse - CEO at Member Evolution

Member Evolution is pleased to welcome Lori Hocking, CEO and the Team at VETnetwork into the Member Evolution family. Member Evolution prides itself on delivering world class leading member management software solutions to the association and not-for-profit space. ME will deliver the most feature rich membership software currently available on the market today, providing VETnetwork with a competitive edge.  

About VETnetwork

VETnetwork is a leader in employer engagement in vocational learning and VET. The network provides series of professional learning events and training services across Australia. The network is also involved in the Australian Training Awards and is the peak body for the national awards for the vocation education and training (VET) sector. The awards began in 1994 and recognises individuals, businesses and registered training organisations for their contribution to skilling Australia.

VETnetwork logo

Member Evolution Latest Developments 

In order for Member Evolution to be a leading association website software provider the solution needs to be continually evolving and adapting to the ever changing association environment. This is why Member Evolution has a thorough technology roadmap set in place that covers event updates right thorough to improvements in the hosting and support infrastructures.    

Member Evolution is currently developing responsive designed websites to keep up with Google algorithms changes as well as consumer’s needs and habits. A new notification system is currently in the testing stages which enables staff to even more effectively manage their members, finances, memberships, events, continued professional development (CDP), communities, awards and more. 
If your organisation is spending more and more time and resources on repetitive tasks and duplicates of data due to lack of automation or lack of software speaking to one another (integrated solutions) it may be time to improve on your existing membership software to one code base allowing ease of management from the one centralised CRM location.