Solving the Problem of Information Overload through Delivery of Personalised Content for Associations
A Product article written by

There is so much content available on the web today that it is difficult to receive the information important to us without having to troll through realms of content that may have no bearing on what is important to us. It’s bad enough receiving 50+ irrelevant emails per day let alone having to go through multiple web pages to find what we want.
This problem is all too real for members of associations wanting to find and receive information pertinent to their needs and circumstances. Members demand value, and with increasing information overload and lack of personal time access to personalised content is fast becoming critical.
Interest Groups allow associations to group content on their website into topical sections that members can access quickly based on their own topics of interest. Through statistical analysis it also allows associations to understand what topics are of interest to the member base and invest in these areas accordingly.
Member Engagement software such as Member Evolution's member management solution provide self service facilities through the Member Portal that allows members to choose what Interest Groups they wish to belong to. When logging on they will then be exposed immediately to any new News stories or content they have subscribed to saving them much time and effort. The software is unique in that it can construct email Newsletter mailing lists to include a particular interest group to send targeted communications. Members are even able to select their communication preferences and update them at any time to determine what communication types they would prefer to receive.
If you wish to see how personalisation of content can work for your organisation please contact Dan Keller at Member Evolution on 1300 141444.