Paypal Community makes the Switch to using Drupal

The Drupal open source community continues to grow, having success among larger developer communities with x.commerce joining Twitter. The move came last month with a new division of PayPal that now serves as an open and central meeting point for over 700,000 developers for the likes of eBay, PayPal, Magento and others.
X.commerce now relies on Drupal-run sites for product information and coding tips and allows the flow of idea exchanges. Through making the switch to an open source community it enables developers to work around its documentation and communities.
How Open Source Works
The way it works is through a model of social media surrounding a questions-and-answers type format. Developers help each other by directly responding to questions both publicly and privately via email then vote on the questions and answers, promoting conversation and collaboration. The results of this type of open source environment are evident with the huge level of activity within the forums.
Driving Innovation
Open source drives innovation and forward thinking. Under Jive, eBay wasn’t able to develop features that they needed and if it wasn’t on their roadmap it could not be done. Drupal, on the other hand, allows the creation of whatever they need. The openness is believed to be a key factor in the success of x.commerce and will allow them to grow at the speed of their community.
Same Principles Applied to Member Evolutions Membership Database Software
The Member Evolution's membership system integrates Drupal content management systems (CMS) that provide a modular and scalable platform. The great part about the membership website being coded with Drupal framework is that is allows innovation and forward thinking, creating a mindset that anything is possible. Our association management systems are tailored around the individual needs of an association, and not the other way around.
Read more on- Australian Organisation Turning to Drupal for Innovation & Agility