Blog Archive for May 2014

Why your Association’s Website should be using HTTPS for Security and Privacy

Does your association or Not-For-Profit organisation website currently offer encrypted HTTPS connections to members and web visitors? Are you using HTTPS by default for administration logins? These are important questions to ask yourself and if your answer is no or you are unsure you may be putting both your site and users at risk.

Privacy no Longer  

Leading Australian Technology Company Celebrates 10 years of Growth!

This year marks the 10th anniversary for Aspedia where we reflect on past major achievements, as well as planning for the next 10 years of technology advancements and innovations. View our past 10 years of Growth [Infographic].

5 Reasons to Integrate your Association's Website with Accounting Software

Traditionally associations used manual accounting business software, where data was manually input into the system. Now successful associations will find that maintaining several different pieces of software is extremely inefficient. Associations need to know there are solutions out there designed to improve their business processes with the right integrated accounting software.

Membership Software: Enhancing the Customer Experience

Companies traditionally operated under the assumption that building the best product possible was the key to gaining market leadership. However, with the increase in product customisation and the rising demand on associations’ time, more and more companies are realising that it’s not just about what they sell but also the service provided and who they market to be crucial.