SEO Tips On How You Can Improve Your Association's Google Search Results

For associations and Not-For-Profit organisations it is important to keep your website up to date with relevant content, not only for good Google search results but also to keep members updated and informed on the latest industry news and information.
It is a good idea for your association website to have a sitemap, as this way Google is able to craw all of your pages without missing any. Read more below for an example and more information.
Keyword Density
It is important that the density or the quantity of keywords you use on a page are relevant to the amount of text you have per page. The density of any particular keyword should be around 3-7%. If your keyword density is too low, add more keywords. If your keyword density is too high, add more text to reduce the density.
To determine what percentage your keyword density is go to (you can run this for two URL’s at once).
Enter your keyword and it will give you an answer on the density straight away. Run the same report for all the keywords you believe are relevant for each page. Remember try not to write your text for more than 3-4 main keywords per webpage.
Relevant Information
Good and relevant content on your association's web pages will be what actually gets the search engines back to your site. If you have important information relevant to the keywords you have nominated, the search engines will use that content and rank you more highly. Therefore, write relevant articles and place them on your association's website using your keywords in the titles. Link to these articles from your home page so the search engines find them more easily.
Keep your association's content up-to-date and refresh your main pages at least once every six months. That does not mean you need to re-write your whole website, it means add new articles or if your content is time specific, change the content as the event changes i.e. upcoming event, happening now, happened last week.
Search engines understand their customers are searching to keep informed. Therefore, they rank articles about teaching very highly. As well, other webmasters will link to good articles written about a particular topic. Write articles that teach readers. Some examples would include:
101 ways to improve 'your topic'
10 myths about 'your topic'
15 easy ways to create 'something'
An example from Member Evolution is a free ebook on 'How Member Management Solutions have Evolved'
Publish these articles on your site and send them to good article directories.
Site maps within your site will help the search engine crawlers view the information on your website without missing any pages.
Member Evolution includes a sitemap which you can view by placing sitemap.xml after your website name. If there are pages there that you don’t think should be included, or others that are included that shouldn’t be, you can edit your page and choose the sitemap settings for each page.
How to utilise your association or Not-For-Profit organisation with off page optimisation will be followed up shortly.