Not-For-Profits Aim for the Cloud

It's time to think outside the cloud and look at the bigger picture of what the adoption of the cloud system can do for your organisation or Not-For-Profit. The cloud is all about making your organisation more efficient, flexible and allowing better collaboration between staff, members and your sponsors.
The beauty of the cloud is that charities of any shape or size can adopt this new technology and reap the benefits. An example of what the cloud can do for better collaboration between staff is that any document, database, presentation or spreadsheet normally kept in your computer can now be shared securely, quickly and easily to other staff to read, edit and develop further.
Important Facts to Know About the Cloud:
1. Available anytime, anywhere
The cloud allows access to documents from any location and any device with the help of an internet connection. This opens up opportunities for Not-For-Profit organisations and charities as staff are able to work from home and still be connected to the latest document. The cloud becomes not only extremely flexible but also convenient for the user.
The days are gone when you left your work on your office desktop and couldn't work on it from home. Now with the cloud when you save your work at work, you can access it from anywhere. This allows activities and campaigns to run more smoothly and you can stay on top of your workload from any location or even from afar while on holiday.
2. Connect & Share
Having 24/7 access around the clock to your organisation’s files allows greater opportunities for collaboration and the ability to connect and share information. Being connected to the cloud also has the benefit of everything accruing in real time. The moment you update/share a file the recipient can see those changes and file immediately.
3. Reduction in Costs
The cloud software allows your organisation to cut down on IT and infrastructure costs. This is a huge advantage for NFPs as money is saved, not spent on buying expensive IT infrastructure to store all of your organisation's data. Hardware is also minimised along with software licences for operate systems.
4. Streamline Processes
A great feature about the cloud is that you can not only streamline your communications but you can also perform training and courses online using cloud software. The positive outcome from doing all your training and courses online is that not only is time saved but also money.
Streamlining your business processes will lead your team to reaching their goals faster and more efficiently as work is completed in less time with fewer people. The cloud leaves no less room for error and minimises confusion when completing a task.