Need Accurate and Up to Date Reporting Capabilities to Easily Evaluate your Organisation this End of Financial Year?

Catherine Lever - Marketing and Communications Member Evolution

With the end of the financial year upon us it’s a great time to re-evaluate your association’s position both past, present and future. Knowing what has worked in the past is a good starting point as well determining what hasn’t and needs improving. 

If you have the software reporting capabilities this can really aid with the evaluation processes, while being able to quickly pull reports for your own knowledge and for board meetings in a huge benefit. A few handy reports to have that are easily filtered based on date, membership plan or membership status may include;
  • New memberships 
  • Corporate memberships 
  • Individual memberships
  • Members by state     
Business intelligence reporting generates reports in real time so you can evaluate using the most up to date and accurate reports that are created quickly. Another aspect that aids your overall reporting capabilities is through using a centralised CRM system that speaks to all of your tools. It may be hard and time consuming to capture and report on information on numerous different systems and plugins each with their own individual reporting system. So it’s best to have the one centralised CRM that speaks to as many tools as possible, which is also known as using the one source code such as a membership management solution like ME.    
Setting Goals 

It’s also a great time to start setting goals either for the short or the long term. Associations are always looking to improve member engagement and it may be time to start thinking of new innovative approaches to see this happen. 

  1. Starting with the website may be on your list if you’re looking to increase member collaboration, engagement and interaction as well as reporting. 
  2. Next could be looking at ways to improve your events or conferences
  3. Looking at the latest technology is a must as you don’t want to fall behind or get penalised on the web in terms of Google updates with Mobile and responsive website designs as well as looking into making your online payment gateways secure.
  4. Making everyone’s jobs easier with automotive technology could be next so staff can focus their efforts on more important organisation aspects. 
  5. Increase revenue streams with more sponsorship opportunities and exposure. 
  6. Get those features your organisation has always wanted whether they are jobs area, awards, classifieds, speakers section and more! 
  7. Save time and allow members to update their own personal information as well as view invoices, events and more via a self-service member portal. 

Make the next financial year matter where you re/engage with your association and prosper with enhanced revenue streams.  
