Member Directory
Need help generating revenue from your Member Directory?
Associations have a large member directory and each business is placed amongst the rest.
If your association is constantly adding new businesses to your member directory for free or part of a corporate or business membership its time to create a new section. Your association can now offer a premium listing section for added revenue, and the Member Evolution member database software now offers these capabilities.
The member directory inbuilt with our membership software offers a variety of advantages for your association. With a constant stream of new member profiles and links to you member directory, enhances your search engine optimisation (SEO) along with maximising your business exposure.
The directory is a great place for members and even websites visitors to find a business they are require and within their location. The search function enables users to find what they are looking for quickly. With our member management software we customise the search function so people can find a specific business easily. The directory is also a great place for members to communicate and promote their businesses to increase leads and drive traffic to their websites.
More Membership Software Benefits