Maximise Off Site Content for Your Association or Not-For-Profit

There are a number of simple but effective strategies that your association or Not-For-Profit can employ to gain higher search engine rankings. Off site content is a great way to maximise your Internet exposure and to get people back to your site.
There are a number of ways that you can go about increasing your off site content and some proven strategies include blogging, the use of forums, article submissions and many more.
Off Site Content
Content that you write as an expert or just for interest about your industry can be promoted onto many different sites and places throughout the internet. The content should always have a link back to your association or Not-For-Profit website so it gives you more visitors and another vote through the search engine with your website link.
Offsite content could be:
Start your own blog either on a blog site such as and link back to your website. The wordpress blog is also another good blogging site with good rankings. (If you have a blog on your existing website, this is also good for onsite content and has been covered in another area).
Encourage customers to write reviews about your site on the numerous sites available such as,,,, etc and ensure you get a link back to the site in the review.
Answer questions on forums that are relevant to you and become a ‘go to person’ for your industry. If you can also get a link back to your site this is an extended benefit for the brand awareness it creates.
Article Submissions
There are numerous article submission sites (go to to view a list of all the sites). Articles are good if you have a particular topic you want to promote, however, these sites are becoming less favourable through search engines, so choose a very relevant site that has lots of content about your particular industry or don’t submit as the link may not be of any benefit.
Press Releases
Similar to article submissions, but you can send your press releases to all the online news sites. These sites usually rank very well as their content is up to date and relevant. Ensure they give a link to your site before you submit.
Local Listings
Local listings such as True Local or Google Places give you a page about your business and promote you locally through their site. Often they will ask for a 'payment for you' page, and this may be beneficial if you have a local service where consumers search online for your product. Check which directories rank for your industry in your local area and join that one as a starting point.
If you own an e-commerce website, this is a good strategy for advertising and easily branding your products for free. Submit your products to Google Product Search, Yahoo Online Shopping, MSN Online Shopping and other major social shopping network sites like Kaboodle, Style Feeder, Wists, Five Limes, Buzz Shout, Ohmybuzz,
Paid Advertising
This includes PayPerClick, banner ads and affiliate programs. You can get very good links back to your website that drive traffic. However, as it’s a paid service, it’s not considered an optimisation technique – but will give you valuable links. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions regarding the paid services on the internet.
Please view our previous blog on Off Page Oprimisisation Tips for Associations & Not-for-Profits