Improve your Association's SEO with Text Formatting: Part 3

In part 3 of our search engine optimisation (SEO) for associations and Not-For-Profit organisations, the focus will be on text format and how to increase your chances of search engines picking up important headings and your text format.
The way you format your website pages is important and having the format correctly utilised will impact on your association's search traffic. This blog will explore all you need to know on using the right HTML code and which heading types are the most appropriate.
Format Your Text
The way you format your text throughout your web pages is picked up by search engines. If you bold or italic text or use heading tags, the search engines know that these words are more important.
Bold, underline or italicise your keywords only once per web page because if you use the formatting too often the search engines may penalise you.
The heading tag in HTML code is held in the background of your webpage, which the search engine can read and understand. Member Evolution ensures all your Page Titles on each web page are given a HTML code of <H1> or Heading 1.
You can choose to add further heading tags on important items by opening your WYSIWYG editor, highlighting the text and choosing your 'format' button. You can add <h2> or <h3> tags throughout your page to nominate which headings are relevant and the order of importance. Ensure you use these header tags sequentially.
Try not to use exactly the same phrase in your <h1> and <h2> or <h3> tags otherwise the search engines will be confused about its real relevance. Best practice is to use your main key phrase in heading one, a version of it or a sub heading in <h2> and another version or new topic in <h3>.
Optimisation Tools for your Association and Not-For-Profit Organisation: Part 4