Maximum Impact on your Association's Twitter Account

Having your Twitter account aligned with your association’s goals is ideal, along with determining how Twitter can help you achieve these goals. Many associations tend to push out messages that start with verbs like: “attend, come, read or join”. Although these are great for engaging users, too much pushing can overdo your Twitter account. Finding the balance is crucial and there are a number of other techniques that can help engage your members and users.
Recognise Members and Industry Achievements
Your members are always achieving milestones such as awards, industry recognition and other important events and your Twitter account is the perfect channel to mention these achievements. Industry wins, breakthroughs or even innovations are other topics that are great for discussion, along with keeping members and other industry professionals up to date.
Stay Alert
There are thousands of tweets occurring every minute and looking for new industry hashtags can identify new trends, challenges and goals that are relevant within your industry. Taking notice of active Twitter conversations alert you of any emerging trends that your association can also address. Keep an eye on your competitors' pages and tweets to gauge what their viewpoints and plans are. Create conversations on interesting industry topics that need addressing.
Connecting with other industry relevant groups, members and professionals is a great way to build relationships. If you are holding workshops, conferences or meetings, make it easy for those who can’t attend to connect virtually. Open chats and Q&A sessions online are great for providing answers to members who have questions that need addressing, along with discovering the person behind the tweets.
If you have any new job or volunteer opportunities be sure to promote those to your Twitter audience as they are the perfect candidates. Distribute content - this can be for an event, downloadable resource or interesting news article that you think users will be interested in.
You never know how successful your Twitter account can be until you try. Follow these easy steps and you should see your followers, starred tweets and re-tweets increase. More people will be drawn to your website which can result in more downloads and memberships, helping build and grow your association. If you would like more information on how to automate your membership processes please view our Member Evolution association membership software.