How Associations are Utilising Technology to Enhance Education Programs

Associations are continually looking to the use of technology to enhance learning capabilities within their organisations. Members are the focus for all associations and delivering the most relevant and on-topic resources in the most efficient way is important. To do this, associations need to utilise the latest technologies to deliver and enhance learning among members.
The latest report on Association Learning + Technology surveyed 200 organisations to find how associations are utilising technology to enhance education programs. The report highlighted some interesting facts and noted that the majority of associations using technology for learning say it has increased their net revenue.
Popular Learning Platforms
A popular technology platform used by associations indicated 80% of respondents offer Webinars or Webcasts as a type of technology used to enhance learning. The reason they are becoming so popular is due to the ability to offer recorded webinars in real time and on demand. This is great for members to live stream presentations, workshops or seminars over the web from any location.
The second most popular method was self-paced online tutorials, courses or presentations that were offered by 65.5% of the associations. Members are able to perform/view the course or presentation at their own pace.
Mobile Learning
As the rate of mobile usage increases there is no doubt that associations should start to think about offering mobile-learning capabilities. The report's response indicated that 37% currently using technology also provide a mobile version for some of their content. This percentage indicates a huge rise from previously in 2010 when fewer than 9% offered a mobile version. Many associations also stated that they are aiming to implement a mobile version within the next 12 months, identifying a new path for learning.
Learning Management Systems (LMS)
Learning management systems are software applications used for administration, documentation, reporting, tracking and delivery of e-learning education courses or training programs. The report findings indicated that 51% currently have a LMS in place for technology learning. Associations also highlighted that the learning management system was a popular learning platform amongst members.
LMS is a great way for associations to track and record online what their members have completed and to what level.
The statistics and responses indicate that more and more associations are turning to technology to improve their members' educational learning experiences and functionality. Adapting to your consumers' habits and environments is key for taking your association forward with the aid of technology.
Contact the team at Member Evolution and find out how you can implement a complete online member management solution while seamlessly integrating an educational learning system.