Automate your CPD Point Allocations

As many professionals are aware, continuing professional development (CPD) points can increase their skill set and knowledge within their chosen profession. CPD can be undertaken by attending seminars or learning events, amounting to a certain number of hours depending on your profession. An example may be to acquire 35 hours a year.
The Importance of CPD Points
CPD can be extremely important to professionals and those who are part of an association, and can be used as a way to increase knowledge and allow for focus and structure in the lives of professionals. Not only does CPD allow a person to advance themselves, but it can also help in providing a quality service to clients, while increasing the reputation of your employer.
CPD can fit into a professional's working schedule by including such activities in the workplace as reading relevant materials or company training. This can allow for research into technical and ethical areas of a profession whilst maintaining a healthy work-to-life ratio. Members of associations will generally submit their CPD points directly themselves, as this is the only way available to most associations. What if there was an easier way?
Automatic Allocation of CPD Points
The introduction of automatic allocation of CPD points not only benefits an association but also their members. Both associations and members are responsible for allocation and management of points. This can be time consuming for both parties, however, with automatic allocation this process can be made simple.
Member managers of associations often spend an unspecified amount of time adding CPD points to individual members after manually marking their attendance to qualifying events, seminars or training programs. Automation will allow for the system to be integrated into your website to automatically track and assign attendance and completion CPD points to members.
There are also many advantages for your members. By implementing an automatic allocation system, such as members being able to easily manage and track the points they have earned (or points they still need for the year) during events, seminars, training and education programs, members can also export their CPD point information to their member diaries or print the information for their records.
Main Benefits
A quick recap of the benefits for association and members of automated allocation of CPD points include:
For Member Managers and Associations
- time and cost savings
- track member points and attendance to events/seminars/training
- assign CPD points quickly and easily
For Members
- use an integrated CPD diary to track points gained and needed
- print points and attendance records
- export CPD points to diary for tax purposes