The AHC Increases Brand Awareness through AdFollow Campaigns

The Australian Hairdressing Council (AHC) based in Newcastle, New South Wales sets standards for salons and represents the professional hairdressing industry nationally. The AHC wanted to improve their marketing efforts through increasing brand awareness and engaging web users, where they would normally be lost once leaving their website.
AdFollow is an advertising technology that increases brand awareness, member engagement and improves conversions (eg. completed enquiry forms).
Wondering how it works?
- AdFollow retargets consumers that have already displayed interest in your organisation by visiting your association’s website.
- After the user leaves your website they get ‘tagged’ using a special code.
- The user then gets remarketed with your businesses ads while they browse across the web, visiting other pages and searching for different things across the internet. Essentially the ads follow them around the internet.
- The user is reinforced with your brand keeping you front of mind, driving them back to your site.
Measurable Results
The great part about AdFollow is that you know exactly how many people have been exposed to the ads, clicked on an ad and performed certain website goals from simply being exposed to the ads across the internet.
The AHC have been using AdFollow for over 7 months now, where they receive an end of month report filled with statistics. Results from last month saw their audience grow an additional 500 people, which means that an additional 500 people will currently be tagged and seeing their ads on top of original list size. September also saw 19% of users who were shown the ad actually converted and clicked on the ads bringing them back the AHC website. The results are all tracked via Google Adwords.
Power of Brand Association
Recent studies indicated that AdFollow can boost your enquiry and sales conversion levels by 200% to 300% at a small cost of 1.7 cents per view, which is extremely cost effective.
A major goal for any association should be to build brand awareness with your targeted audience through displaying your brand and message over and over until they are ready to make a decision to contact you. An association’s target audience would include potential and current members, event attendees, volunteers and sponsors.
Increase Member Engagement
Building member engagement is a great way to get members to become more involved with your website while incorporating AdFollow techniques. AdFollow can be used to encourage web users to sign up to become members for example; if a web user downloads a non-member resource they would get tagged with a special code to identify that they are not a member and be shown ad content such as: “Get full access to member content through signing up”. AdFollow can also be used throughout the site depending on the content and what the user interacts with. Events, directories and more could also be utilised once a user clicks on an event or purchase an event ticket they could be shown an ad with a discount or similar events. The possibilities are endless.